What kind of worms do kittens get

First, a cat may eat ingest eggs directly from a contaminated environment. Toxocara cati is also passed from queens mother cats to kittens through the milk she produces. Whenever a cat is infected with roundworms, some immature forms larvae remain dormant in tissues in the body. This usually causes no harm, but when a female cat becomes pregnant, these larvae migrate to the mammary glands and are excreted in the milk she produces for the kittens.

This is a very common route of infection and we should assume that every kitten will be infected with Toxocara cati as a result. However, to determine if a cat is actually infected with worms, a faeces sample can be collected and examined in the laboratory to look for the presence of the worm eggs.

Hookworms are a type of small intestinal roundworm found in most countries throughout the world, but are more common in some countries than others. These worms can cause damage to the lining of the intestine where they attach to the surface, and this may result in weight loss, bleeding and anaemia. Common cat hookworms include Ancylostoma tubaeforme, and Uncinaria stenocephala, but other species occur in some countries. Tapeworms are generally long flat worms composed of many segments.

Mature segments containing eggs are released from the end of the tapeworm and are passed in the faeces. To complete their life-cycle, all tapeworms require an intermediate host to first eat the eggs from the environment, and then the cat will become infected by eating the intermediate host.

Animals that act as intermediate hosts vary depending on the species of tapeworm. The most common tapeworms that infect cats worldwide are Dipylidium caninum and Taenia taeniaeformis. Dipylidium caninum is transmitted to cats by fleas.

The immature fleas larvae ingest the eggs of the worm, but infection is then passed on to a cat when it swallows an infected flea during grooming. It should be assumed that any cat infected with fleas also has Dipylidium caninum and vice versa.

Taenia taeniaeformis is passed on when they eat small rodents rats and mice , the rodents having eaten eggs from the environment. This infection occurs very commonly in cats that hunt. Common recommendations are to:. You should always follow the advice from your vet about how and how often to worm your cat.

Some fleas carry worms , so anywhere they go, the risk of parasites goes too. Cats should be treated for fleas every month , so worming at roughly the same time helps reduce the likelihood of tapeworm eggs being ingested by your cat via an infected flea.

Regularly worming your cat is by far the best way to avoid an infection, but you can also help reduce the risk by:. This is because in rare cases roundworms can infect humans , which can lead to blindness, particularly in children. Remember, getting your cat regularly wormed every three months or more is the best protection against these parasites. If you have any concerns, you should always speak to your vet.

Home Parasites Symptoms of worms in cats and kittens to be aware of. Master Brand. Share on. Intro Text. If your cat has worms, they might seem perfectly happy and healthy. Meanwhile, parasites are multiplying inside their gut, stealing their precious nutrients and even their blood in some cases. Is my cat at risk? Symptoms of worms in cats. Roundworm symptoms. These unpleasant invaders can cause: Sickness Diarrhoea Weight loss , despite a normal or increased appetite A dull coat Lack of energy or lethargy A swollen or distended belly in severe cases and particularly in kittens.

Tapeworm symptoms. Often cats will show no symptoms at all, but common signs to look out for include: Increased appetite Overly cleaning or washing the area around its bottom Small segments of worms or rice-looking grains in the fur around the bottom.

Intestinal Worms. Our Products. How to Help Stop a Flea Infestation. General Health. Tapeworm Dewormer praziquantel tablets for Cats. Tapeworm Dewormer praziquantel tablets for Dogs. Over the Counter Dewormers. Master Brand. Share on. Intro Text. Types of Worms Commonly Found in Kittens There are three main types of worms that can infect your kitten: roundworms, tapeworms and hookworms.


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