When was encyclopedia.com created

In order to be safe, think of Wikipedia as the first stop on a research road trip. Move on from Wikipedia to edited, scholarly encyclopedias and other reference works.

An interesting compromise between traditional encyclopedias and Wikipedia is Citizendium , a project that continues to limp along but has unfortunately not gained much traction. Most of the academic work on Wikipedia has focused on making it more like a scholarly reference work through the interventions of undergraduate and graduate students, librarians, and disciplinary faculty.

I have substantially altered and expanded Rick's original text. It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. Wikipedia Search this Guide Search. English: Encyclopedia Britannica vs. Wikipedia For English Faculty. Encyclopedia Britannica vs.

It first flirted with digital publishing in the s, published a version for computers in for LexisNexis subscribers and first posted to the Internet in Many publications will never have a print analog and will only be printed on digital formats. With its scholarly, reliable reputation, Encyclopedia Britannica had not been affected by the popularity of free website Wikipedia, he said. Internet News Updated. Subscriber sign in You could not be signed in, please check and try again.

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Welcome to Oxford Research Encyclopedias Current, peer-reviewed trustworthy research, read in 30 minutes or less across 25 encyclopedias. Check out What's Changed. Learn more News. Featured Telework and Remote Work "COVID forced hundreds of millions of people around the world into teleworking; what used to be voluntary and agreed became a duty.


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