Where is mustafa kamal
It is in the First World War, which started in , that Mustafa Kemal wrote an heroic epic and made the legend of Dardanelles are Impassable against Entente troops in Gallipoli.
On 18 March , when British and French navies failed to break in through the Straits of Dardanelles with heavy losses, the decision to land troops on the Gallipoli peninsula had been given. Mustafa Kemal was promoted to full colonel after this great success. British forces started attacking again from Ariburnu on August The Turkish nation defended her honour in Gallipoli Battle of Canakkale against Entente States by losing approximately , of her sons to martyrdom.
Mustafa Kemal's famous order to his soldiers "I do not order you to attack, I order you to die", had changed the destiny of this Front. He was promoted to brigadier general in 1 April He took part in the battles against Russian forces by which Mus and Bitlis were liberated. After short duties in Damascus and Aleppo, he returned to Istanbul in He became sick after this trip and received treatment in Vienna and Carlsbad.
At this front he achieved the most successful defensive battles in history against the British forces. He was appointed as the Commander-in-Chief of the Lightning Army Group on 31 October , just one day after the signing of the truce in Moudros.
After the abolishment of this Army Group he was appointed for a duty in the Ministry of War in Istanbul on 13 November After the beginning of the occupation of the country and demobilization of the Ottoman armies according to the Moudros Truce, Mustafa Kemal arrived in Samsun on 19 May as the Inspector General of the 9 Army. On 22 June , he issued the Amasya Circular, declaring that the nation's determination and decision will restore the nation's independence and called for the gathering of Congress in Erzurum and Sivas.
On 27 December he was welcomed in Ankara with great enthusiasm. The Turkish Grand National Assembly started preparing and passing the new laws necessary for implementing the Independence War successfully.
The Turkish Independence War was started when the first bullet was fired against the enemy during the occupation of Izmir by the Greek forces on 15 May At the beginning, resistance against occupation forces started with militia forces, namely Kuva-i Milliye National Forces.
The Turkish Grand National Assembly established the regular army and successfully led the Independence War to victory by integrating the militia forces into the regular army. Thus, all the impediments of the Sevres Agreement had been removed and integrity of the Turkish land had been accomplished by the signing of the Lausanne Agreement.
There were no obstructions left on the way to establish the new Turkish State based on national solidarity. National Assembly's successful administration during the Independence War had secured the founding of the new Turkish State. Caliphate and Sultanate monarchy separated and Sultanate was abolished on 1 November His father was a minor official and later a timber merchant.
In , he served against the Italians in Libya and then in the Balkan Wars - He made his military reputation repelling the Allied invasion at the Dardanelles in This was particularly focused on resisting Greek attempts to seize Smyrna and its hinterland.
Victory over the Greeks enabled him to secure revision of the peace settlement in the Treaty of Lausanne. He established a single party regime that lasted almost without interruption until He launched a programme of revolutionary social and political reform to modernise Turkey. His family was middle-class, Turkish-speaking and Muslim.
A good student, Mustafa Kemal attended a series of military schools, including the War College in Istanbul. He was then stationed in Syria and Palestine for a few years before securing a post back in Salonica.
In and , the hard-drinking Mustafa Kemal fought against the Italians in Libya. By this time, the aging empire had lost almost all of its territory in Europe and Africa. Moreover, the so-called Young Turk Revolution of had stripped autocratic powers from the sultan and ushered in an era of parliamentary government. In Mustafa Kemal distinguished himself throughout the nearly yearlong Gallipoli Peninsula campaign, in which he helped stop a large force of British and French troops from taking Istanbul.
He was soon promoted from colonel to brigadier-general and sent to fight in eastern Turkey, Syria and Palestine. An estimated 1. Under a punitive postwar peace treaty signed in August , the Allied powers stripped all Arab provinces from the Ottoman Empire, provided for an independent Armenia and an autonomous Kurdistan, put the Greeks in charge of a region surrounding Smyrna now Izmir and asserted economic control over what little country remained.
However, Mustafa Kemal had already organized an independence movement based in Ankara, the goal of which was to end foreign occupation of the Turkish-speaking areas and to stop them from being partitioned. With the help of money and weapons from Soviet Russia, his troops crushed the Armenians in the east and forced the French and Italians to withdraw from the south.
He then turned his attention to the Greeks, who had wreaked havoc on the Turkish population during their march to within 50 miles of Ankara. The following August, they launched an offensive that broke the Greek lines and sent them into a full-scale retreat all the way back to Smyrna on the Mediterranean Sea.
A fire soon broke out in Smyrna, which, along with looting and rampaging Turkish soldiers, claimed the lives of thousands of Greek and Armenian residents. Roughly , additional Greeks and Armenians were forced to evacuate on nearby Allied warships, never to return. Mustafa Kemal next threatened to attack Istanbul, which was being occupied by the British and other Allied powers.