Where is otas shipyard
Post by Jumee » Wed, Post by kurush » Wed, Post by Catra » Wed, Post by Axeface » Wed, Post by dougeye » Wed, Post by NeverSnake » Wed, Post by mistervec » Wed, Privacy Terms. Search Advanced search. Quick links.
Where is the OTAS shipyard? I'm at the point now where I'm starting to build complexes and getting ships a step up from M3s, and suddenly the long term scope of the game is becoming clear.
I have much anticipatings for the later! I've completed the Terran missions up to escorting that goofy looking fat guy with the big chin from Aldrin to Earth. Now I'm eyeballing that starter Goner mission where I'm tasked to deliver a whole freaking lot of ore and silicon to get the ball rolling for them. Ideally here, I'd like to get the biggest freighter around for this mission in particular and in general because my fledgling empire will put it to good use in the long term. But here's the problem.
Farnam's Legend has only 2 plankton farms and a teladianium foundry. I've mapped that sector out to km which is a good bit further out than the sector map shows.
But the sector is empty except for those three stations. I'm thinking that maybe OTAS wont set up shop permanent shop there until I complete some random mission someplace for somebody, but truth be told X3TC is a bit quirky so it could be a glitch.
Second best is probably some split or argon TS. Jan 12, OTAS shipyard in farnhams legend? Just saying it forward: I give everyone 2 posts to make good, in context posts proper english, as always, is optional. After that I'm ignoring what you have to say in that thread that's directed to what we previously were talking about. Yahoo Corporate Office New York. This imposing structure is a focal point for activity in the Legend's Home sector.
The Headquarters that each Corporation calls home are easily recongnizable due to their size and rarity. Mirror: Screenshots. Author: dramadoctorwho. Post by tas » Fri, Jul 10, I have finished all missions and working on building an economic empire.
Does anyone know how to build or get access to a headquarters? Yea, I highly recommend X3TC. But then again I have to say I have throughly enjoyed every game in the X-series. NET: knowledge base On our website you can find detaled information about this game: knowledge base, properties of ….
Those two sites still relied on the old method, the database. So just recently ive been working on X2 and X3 sites, making them use in-game files too.