Where is spook light road
Thank you for sharing this interesting post. Get over yourselves! As for the car headlights justification, I grew up around many old timers that knew of the spook light before there were cars , and I , personally have given chase in a car in all different directions , and seen it in the middle of the woods and have seen it bouncing on the hood of a car.
So here is what everyone needs to know…. So make up your OWN minds and deal with it! The first report is from Some four decades ago a bunch of New Zealanders hatched a plan to fool radio and TV stations that a UFO was travelling the length of both islands. They arranged to phone in from one location after another, to report seeing it. As if it was flying at a steady speed first along one coast then back along the other — before disappearing.
Or someone SAID they saw something. Once a story begins rolling, it is hard to stop it. Think of the tale of Adam and Eve and a talking snake. In other words, they created artificial lights which were designed to simulate the Spook Light, and they succeeded. But the Light continues to be seen well into the night when there is virtually no traffic on Route My solution is that the light, and others like it around the world, is shining through a tiny pinhole in the universe which is only visible at night.
I have personally seen the Spook Light. How could they debunk the spook light as automotive headlights on Route 66 when there are records of people seeing the light long before automobiles or the highway even existed? I would advise you actually read the article before commenting. That aspect you mentioned is addressed. When a doctor got taken in by two young English girls with their cut-out cardboard fairies, and the fiction persisted for half a century, there is not much hope in trying to find the truth behind the so-called spooklights.
We saw the spook light literally dart to the side and up. Please do more research before posting half naked articles like this. I suggest actually going for yourself and not rely on Jr journalism articles like this. It literally went through cars. They tried to close the road it to the public several years ago. Talk about a 4-state uproar!!!!!! My name is Jackie and I grow up in Quapaw, Oklahoma, attending grade school and high school through the 10th grade before we moved.
My father grew up with the light and I would have to say I saw the Spook Light at least times or more during the time that I lived there in the s. There used to be an old bar near Spook Light Road where my dad would take us when we had company from out of town. We kids loved to go there, play pool, and listen to the old man who owned the bar tell us stories about the light. Often we would sit outside on the car to watch for the Spook Light. We had to be real quiet or it would not come out.
As we watched, all of a sudden it would appear at the other end of the road. My dad would leave his lights out and try to creep up on it, but always, by the time we got near the light, it would suddenly be behind us. It was a regular tradition that our family would attend the Indian pow-wows on every 4th of July holiday. As we were drying there about p. My mom insisted that we pull over and let the car pass; however, as soon as we did, the light took off across the land.
I have seen it with a big white light with a small green one below it, as well as it sometimes appearing as a red or yellow-orange colored orb. I believe, at one time Readers Digest came out with a story on it in the late s or early s. On another occasion my father took me and all our friends out into the country where we had such a bizarre experience, it would make you believe almost anything.
At this place, there was a fence upon the land where an Indian and his wife were said to have been killed by a white man. According to the legend, the Indian stated before he died that he and his wife would always be around. At the fence, dad had us hold our hands out with a piece of bread over the fence. Suddenly, we would feel something taking the bread from our hands. Even with a flashlight, you could see that one second it was there, and the next, the bread was gone.
This was very scary to me at the time. When I grew older, my dates always took me to Spook Light Road and along the way we would cross the Spring River Bridge, its wooden structure rocking side to side so badly, that I was frightened before we ever reached Spook Light Road.
I always saw the light appear near Quapaw, Oklahoma. My Aunt Mary, who was raised with me will go with me. It should be fun as we talk about our old stories and try to find the light again.
Joplin, Missouri — Lead Mining Capital. Missouri — The Show Me State. Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. Skip to Main Content. Loading Close. Do Not Show Again Close. Sign In. The Spook Light History Bobbing and bouncing along a dirt road in northeast Oklahoma is the Hornet Spook Light, a paranormal enigma for more than a century. Described most often as an orange ball of light, the orb travels from east to west along a four-mile gravel road, long called the Devil's Promenade by area locals.
The ball of fire, described as varying from the size of a baseball to a basketball, dances and spins down the center of the road at high speeds, rising and hovering above the treetops, before it retreats and disappears. Others have said it sways from side to side, like a lantern being carried by some invisible force. In any event, the orange fire-like ball has reportedly been appearing nightly for well over years.