Where to find demon slayer mastery books

If you are lacking damage, this can give you an extra oomph. Duration can be pretty long too so you have limited downtime. You can if you want. Though I'm not sure how sustainable grinding with a green pot active is. Its not as necessary, and the coins can be used for gold potions. If you like the feel for smoother movement for training then you can pop some of these.

An additional mobbing skill which is nice for grinding. If you can one shot, its pretty decent. Mainly only good for the 20 attack buff which isn't too significant. I would sub this in for whatever skill I wouldn't be using when it comes to grinding. If bossing, you can switch out for this node at the end of the boss fight to apply the additional drop chance.

Keep in mind, you cannot replace nodes until they are fully cooled down. If in your general gameplay you rarely use the green potion, you can substitute this out. An additional mobbing skill with decent damage. Can hit up to 15 mobs, so if you are strong enough to 1 shot with this, use as frequently as possible. This skill is nice to have and you would generally only use in certain bosses that super-knockback such as Magnus, Lotus, Damien, Darknell, Black Mage etc.

I would generally keep this, but if knockback isn't an issue and you wanted something else that can benefit say for grinding. Cooldown is a bit long which is why it can be considered. Depends on what you are doing. Mainly use Fatal Strike for bossing, and Character Building for grinding. I would leave this out unless you needed some additional mobility in various content for example Spirit Savior, entering Dream Defender portals easier, maps that require lots of vertical mobility like the Clocktower map in Lachelein etc.

Situational for the boss you are fighting. You won't be using too much since it has a long cooldown, but can come in handy. Definitely not useful when grinding. The following list is based on personal opinion and a general feel. Most important ones are: damage and critical damage. Put a few points into attack so it is around Lv.

The boost in attack is nice, but you don't want to invest heavily into it. Regarding critical chance, I generally wouldn't put any points here because there are a lot more useful ones you can apply your points to. Boss damage is crucial if you are regularly bossing. If you are dedicated to training, the use is only limited to elite bosses and you can consider it into the EXP hyper instead. If you are lacking, then put some points into this, but don't invest too heavily Lv at most. Points can be used instead on EXP if you are grinding.

Put points into EXP if you are only focusing on grinding. The amount of points required to boost it can be taxing. If you can one shot regardless, max it. Bonus Arcane Force is mainly relevant only if you've done a tonne of training at once and are lacking for the newer areas.

I believe 6 is what most people pump into it to navigate Vanishing Journey a lot easier. Also, the additional AF is required if you are fighting Verus Hilla and want the bonus 1. If you have any left over points, pump it into DF.

You don't need to go overboard with it, and can settle at The DF cost for your 3 fifth job skills is total. You can cast Cerberus first to restore 50 DF to cast the rest of the skills. Most beneficial inner. Boss damage line is first as it is quite a valuable stat, and will help you hit harder during bosses.

All skills would benefit from this, even Demon Impact. However, even still, there are better lines. The bypass chance cooldown is something I am not a fan of due to its unreliability. Unfortunately, it does not work on 5th job skills. Can work for Binding Darkness but its not like you can bind the boss consecutively unless you switch boss phases.

Works for Boundless Rage so you don't have to worry about DF cost longer. Since I decided to not dedicate that many points into hyper stat, and do not have IED lines, this helps makes up for it so I am sitting at a OK amount.

Keep in mind most of your bossing skills have innate IED built in, as well as the boost node bonus. This should put you at a good spot. Even more if you are fighting something below your level. Good link skill to use, at max level you have 8 seconds of invincibility which definitely helps you to rebuff, or get back in the field without threat. A pretty overpowered link skill, it is easy to accrue the damage stacks for this skill since it only requires you to be in battle stance mode. Good skill for enabling burst.

Spirit of Rage with bind and this is a deadly combo. Even more so when you are popping everything else. Gives damage and PDR which are both very useful stats! If you are fighting in a party, I believe the stacks are shared, and is a good bonus for everyone. Very good to have since its a big damage boost. For me personally, this buff lasts about 15 seconds due to server lag so it has a limited downtime. Gives boss damage and critical chance, which are both very useful stats!

If you have an absurdly high PDR and low crit, you could consider this. I like the additional critical chance for Cerberus, Demon Cry and Dark Metamorphosis, but their contribution is way less compared to the main skills.

Still useful, but I personally would stick with Luminous. More stats and attack is good! This can be replaced for Cadena's link skill if you are grinding on mobs lower than your level.

While grinding you want to be actively maneuvering throughout the map. In this case, its essentially a permanent damage buff. Note the distance travelled when using Chaos Lock to the teleported mob also registers for a stack here.

Good training link skill, longer rune duration gives more exp for faster levelling. Good training link skill, Combo Orbs gives more exp for faster levelling. Good training link skill, gives that boost so you can one shot.

Good training link skill, gives more base additional exp for faster levelling. Slightly better version of Hayato's Link Skill only if you reroll for better stats. This requires upkeep to lock stats.

If you don't want to bother, consider one of the following alternatives. Gives 25 attack at max level. Stacks with potentials. Compare to see which is better to use. Gives 70 all stat at max level.

If you are training on mobs lower than your current level, this can benefit you. Otherwise it doesn't really do anything. You have a lot more breathing room, and do not have to worry about running out of DF as much. Also, it is a best in slot secondary next to Ruin Force Shield because you do not take in amplified damage, which is important in certain boss fights.

However, it offers less DF less than the Force Shield of Extremes so you may run into problems in running out of DF, and has the built in amplified damage. Some attacks that do not typically one shot you start becoming one shots e. Personally, I use the Ruin Force Shield. While the amplified damage makes things more difficult to survive, it forces me to control my character better and to learn to make better decisions during the fight. I am strong enough that I do not have to worry about certain skills that one shot me in the earlier bosses.

Most bosses in the mid-late game have skills that one shot anyway. For DS, if you have at least 1 HP you are good to go. You have excellent sustain from your skills Raven Storm and Leech Aura.

Pair that with a healing familiar and potions, you are extremely difficult to kill unless one hit KO attacks are used. Bind can also be used to stall time for your iframes to come back up. If not, you always have your backup of Dark Metamorphosis for invincibility frames and Raven Storm. Extremely late game however, the extra damage boost from Ruin Force Shield while nice, will not make or break in most cases.

It may not be worth using this if you are extremely funded, and perhaps better to stick with the Princess No secondary as it is safer and more convenient in boss fights, which is more important. Since the introduction of more harder bosses and their mechanics, Ruin Force is looking less viable. If you do choose to still use it, you will need to have a great understanding of the boss you are fighting, and your class.

In Reboot, stack up on those Buff Freezers. DS rely on their buffs, specifically, Blue Blood to dish out a lot of damage. You lose significant damage output if you die and lose this buff. Even then, its possible that you may just die again right after, and lose the buff again.

To combat this, purchase a stack of Buff Freezers to keep on you for regular servers, if you cannot afford a Battle-roid, purchase Buff Freezers from convenience store NPC, Matilda. While DS should have no problem surviving for some bosses, those that OHKO are a problem, and sometimes you will get caught in it. Saving your buffs is convenient and helps you get back into the field of battle right after your death, saving time in the boss fight.

Not accessible for Reboot. This item lets you to cast another bind which lasts 9 seconds, with second cooldown. If you can obtain this, it is extremely useful. An additional bind can buy you some time for your iframes to cooldown which is useful. With Blue Blood, one of your main bossing skills generates 14 lines with the point into the hyper passive. Since this is flooded so frequently, this makes it difficult to see where the boss is, and any animations they are casting particularly watching out for Chaos Von Bon's OHKO Jump attack.

If you can grab a hold onto one of these, this will help you get a clearer look on the boss you are fighting. The drawbacks about using this damage skin is that you cannot see your damage. You might not want to see your damage because you are accustomed to your typical output, but having your damage output in view is good for reminding yourself if you forgot to reconfigure your character such as Link Skills, Legion, Drop Rate gear instead of damage etc.

This is especially important in an intense tide of battle, where you may overlook many buffs you usually cast and refresh, and lose some damage output. While this doesn't affect your transparency for your lines, it does for your skills.

This is a screenshot of a time where I forgot to adjust my transparency settings in Lucid. As you can see, it sits on top of Lucid and a golem. I'm lucky to survive since nothing really happened in the duration of Spirit of Rage.

If you work on this, be prepared that this will require a lot of time and resources to get fairly established into this. The rewards are not really worth the time investment, but to strengthen character even further, you want to utilize every aspect within the game. Here are some of the potential bonuses you can expect to gain from doing Monster Life. Here is a video guide on obtaining this skill. Although it is quite old, it should follow similarly.

Max this by getting any Cygnus Knight to and talk to Neinheart to raise the level to Though it says invincibility, I believe this only applies on mobs, and not bosses.

The only applicable use is if you are on potion cooldown, but you need to heal. Has a 30 minute cooldown so can only be realistically used once per fight. Spawns some traps randomly around your character.

Stuns bosses for 5 seconds. Works kind of like a bind. You can use this to cancel boss attacks mid animation. Has a 30 minute cooldown also so can only be used once realistically per fight. If you have bypass inner ability, this may proc and you can stun again. While the Accessory skill is nice, it only saves 1 life with a long cooldown. You may use this as a reference for what skills are typically used, and where its placed.

There are of course different preferences for each person, so change yours accordingly to what is most comfortable for you. They're located together in one area, so if I need to refer to it for my cooldowns, this is convenient.

Placing them randomly will make this more difficult. I use this interchangeably with short range glide to cover the distances I need.

Mastery Books are a type of consumable item in game. For nearly all classes, many of their 4th Job Skills can initially only be raised up to Level 10 with Skill Points. These Mastery Books allow you to increase the max trainable level of a skill from 10 to 20, and then from 20 to 30 if the skill's max level allows for it to go that high. Note that some skills have an upper limit of Level 10 which cannot be increased with Mastery Books. MapleWiki Explore.

Kaiser Kain Cadena Angelic Buster. Adele Illium Ark. The Secret Garden Kerning Tower. Gold Beach. Root Abyss Dark World Tree. Riena Strait. El Nath Mts. Dead Mine. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts.

Boards MapleStory demon slayer mastery book drop list? User Info: sakuraarts. Haven't you asked this before? All mastery books come from MMB now. Or you can buy them in the FM. User Info: GeminiDeus. And a MMB won't always turn out for what you want it to be. With as many 4th job skills there are across all classes, you have something like a 1 in chance I am not going to count out all the 4th job skills of getting the book you want.

Without truth, there is nothing.


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