Where to find manectric in emerald

Forces trainers to switch Pokemon. User's Electric moves have doubled power next turn. Power can range from 30 to TM17 Protect -- 10 -- Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn. TM18 Rain Dance -- 5 -- Changes the weather to rain for five turns. TM32 Double Team -- 15 -- Raises the user's evasion by one stage.

TM34 Shock Wave 60 20 -- Never misses. TM44 Rest -- 10 -- User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself. Damage Taken 1x.

Flavortext Black 2 It discharges electricity from its mane. Step 1: Beat the main game Before catching the Kyogre, you will need to beat the main game by defeating elite and other champions. Cheats automatically are enabled once entered in. As in common sense, just unclick the box to disable the Code.

Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Afterwards go to the PC in your room and choose Item Storage. Go downstairs when your done. Step 4.

When the ROM is acceptable, you will then have options to Randomize the different things in the game. Just as stated above, you can randomize things like the Pokemon, Items, Trainers, and more. Combusken can be 2HKOed easily. Mightyena is 2HKOed by Thunderbolt, but Swagger-induced confusion can get in the way; healing or switching out as needed is advised.

Carvanha and Sharpedo go down easily. Gym 7 - Tate and Liza Mossdeep City, Psychic-type : Manectric can perform well in this gym, but it needs a battle partner that is faster than Lunatone. Thunderbolt 2HKOs both of them. Manectric does not want. Kyogre, on the other hand, will live one Thunder no matter what.

Manectric is only good against Kyogre if the plan is to run away, in which case it will outspeed and manage. It should be at least at level 42 to face Seaking, in order to avoid getting hit by Horn Drill. It also needs to avoid Whiscash, due to Earthquake.

Manectric should not fight Gardevoir, whose Psychic is a 2HKO in its natural state, and it also knows Calm Mind to further boost its power; Synchronize will also pass on paralysis to Manectric if it attempts to Thunder Wave it, though this can be a good parting shot before switching out, as it makes it harder for Gardevoir to set up. It also 3HKOs Cacturne and Shiftry, despite their resistance, though Shiftry is best offed more quickly, since its Double Team can otherwise cause trouble.

Manectric can take multiple hits from them, exception made for the ace Dusclops; Manectric can take one Earthquake coming off it, but not more. If healed throughout, Manectric can take on the majority of this team, but not the entirety of it. Manectric can technically take an Earthquake from Claydol, but can also only win against it with two repeated Bite flinches, so it should not tempt fate. Instead, it should fight Aggron if it must, as Thunderbolt 2HKOs and a non-critical Earthquake will leave Manectric in the red, but still standing.

Metagross kills Manectric with Earthquake, do not fight it. Post-Game: Who cares about the postgame? Tabitha Mt. Chimney : Tabitha's two Numel are immune to Spark, but only the second one is off limits for both Electrike and Manectric, as it knows Magnitude; the leading one does not, so Quick Attack will eventually wear it down if there are no other good options on the team.

Maxie Mt. Neither Electrike nor Manectric should go against Camerupt. Numel and Camerupt are also unapproachable for Manectric; the former has Magnitude, and the latter has Sunny Day and Overheat, as well as Electric immunity.

Any attempt at defeating Camerupt with Manectric will result in giving it setup fodder, so play carefully and prepare a backup when necessary. Camerupt has no Ground moves, so it can be worn down with Strength in an average of about four turns. Crobat is HKOed as well, though once again, Confuse Ray is a problem, especially if Mightyena has boosted Manectric's Attack before; it is preferable to switch out before fighting Crobat, in that case, since it will likely outspeed.

Camerupt has Earthquake, avoid it.


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