Which scorpio are you quiz
High sex drive and very sensual, but it would be ideal with someone I love. True love is one of my greatest fantasies, actually. Not that high sex drive, and when I do have it, it doesn't at all have to be with a meaningful deep encounter. In fact, true love is totally uninteresting to me. High or medim sex drive, but true love is not one of my greatest goals, as long as I can sooner or later find a decent match to settle down with. Oh yes. Even if I prefer trying my best to hide it, deep inside I'm boiling with passionate, smothering emotions.
I'm bipolar without actually being bipolar. And my anger has always been very strong and a problem to me. If I'm wronged, I tend to either get in trouble or plan a very strategic way of getting back at them. A bit hard to get to know, can be demanding, moody and snappy and I need lots of privacy, but once you've won me over, it's totally worth it. I'm loyal to my death. Under my tough shell, I'm very emotionally supportive ans sympathetic as a friend, stay true to my promises and don't let them question their trust in me, as I would hate them to do that to me.
As a lover, I can be the best and the worst; fiercely loyal, would never even flirt with anyone else, very loving, captivating, but in return, very jealous, holds on to grudges, can be volatile and violent when angered enough, can seek revenge when wronged, and can be quite destructive.
If you've scrrewed me over even once, the relatioship will probably be permanently ruined, and I'll make you regret it for a long time. I'm the best friend and the worst enemy. I guess I'm pretty average when it comes to loyalty, I bail out once in a while or may have divulged someones dark secret, but doesn't everyone?
I can get jealous or want to get back at folks who really screwed me over, but I'm usually able to let it go sooner or later. Happy-go-lucky, trusts other easily, very forgiving, accepting, rarely, if ever holds any evil or destructive thoughts about anyone.
Your relationships are able to survive hardships thanks to your easy-going and forgiving nature. Me: you rock. Comfy and casual stuff, like gym clothes, can be very sexy sometimes.
Baggy stuff, blue jeans and everyday outfits appeal to me. I actually prefer that to dressing up or eye-catching outfits and dressed. High heels, short skirts, skinny jeans, halternecks, glitter Try to stick to colours like pink, blue, and stuff like that. The kind of clothes that I find most aesthetically pleasing are leather, corsets, not necessarily in a sexual way, but could be , frills and flounces, old-fashioned things and the colours red, violet and black, and even if I'm no goth, I can still think the goth fashion is incredibly beautiful sometimes, although I can like other stuff too.
I can't stand people in track suits, sneakers and sweatpants. It has to be sultry, sensual, seductive, and sometimes even bold and sexy. Search Speak now. How Scorpio Are You? Questions and Answers. I'll start out with a painful situation one. You find your lover in bed with another one. I'm beating the crap out of them right then and there, then I move on. How is your home decorated, or, rather, if your home is decorated in a way that you would like to change, or that doesn't feel truly you, then choose the answer representing what you would LIKE it to be like.
Mainstream, and happy music is always preferred. OR I don't like music. Nah, I'm more logical. My emotions are normal, not extreme, and can always be repressed. Kind of, sometimes, but I usually try not to let my emotions get the best of me. Related Topics. Related Quizzes. Scorpio is one passionate zodiac sign. In Greek mythology, Scorpius is associated with the myth of Orion, who was said to be killed by a scorpion after offending Artemis, the protector of all animals.
The traits of Scorpio, the sign associated with the constellation Scorpius, are similar to that of the scorpion in the myth. Scorpios are brave, fearless, and even dangerous. They always pack a punch. Scorpio is one of the strongest most resourceful signs in the zodiac. Scorpios can always be counted on for loyal and passionate friendship.
One of the main weaknesses of Scorpio are their distrusting nature, which leads them to question any and everything. They are always looking for the truth, and even once they find it, they won't stop questioning it. That's probably how you ended up here, on this quiz! A real Scorpio will act instinctively and choose answers that reveal their purest desires. They will also, being totally research obsessed, know a good deal about what it means to be a Scorpio. Let's get started on the quiz!
Everyone loves to identify with celebrities. We want to eat what they are eating, read what they are reading, where what they are wearing, and even perform the same exercise routines as they do!
The desire for this information drives magazines to interview celebrities and for directors to make documentaries about them. We can pick our favorite celebrities, go see their movies, follow them in the news, and buy their products, but we can't decide which celebrities share the same Zodiac sign as us.
Any good Scorpio knows their famous counterparts, do you? Like your Zodiac sign, your favorite season can say a lot about your personality. Different signs thrive during different seasons.
The weather influences our moods, our desires, and the way we spend our time. Spring is associated with thawing, renewal, and change. Summer brings adventure, vacation, and long days. Autumn symbolizes a different kind of fresh start; school begins, and people get back to business. The world rushes back into order and the weather helps us organize our passions. Winter is full of holidays. It is associated with family, introversion, and staying inside. Is your favorite season the one Scorpios thrive in?
Favorite colors play an important role in self identification and understanding. From a young age, people are invited to pick one color that they like the most. Throughout history, colors have garnered different symbolic meanings.
In politics, pop culture, and academic discourse, colors have been interpreted as signifiers of larger ideas or systems.
It is the same for Zodiac signs. Favorite colors are related to personality traits and, as a result, are correlated to a sign. Certain signs will always identify with specific colors. Will the color you pick be the one Scorpio's identify with? The twelve Zodiac signs each have a corresponding symbol. You can find them at the end of the emoji keyboard, tiny and purple. These symbols are as old as the signs themselves, dating back to ancient astrology.
During the European renaissance, the Zodiac symbols were clearly delineated as the ones we know today. Some of the symbols resemble the shape of the constellation the sign is named after, while others, like Scorpio, represents the idea behind the constellation. The Scorpio symbol happens to look like a letter of the alphabet, do you know which one? Although there are the same number of Zodiac signs as there are months in a calendar year, the signs period don't match the months. The Zodiac calendar is aligned differently.
All of the signs span two months of the year. Some signs begin in the beginning of a month, and end in the beginning of the next one. Some sign periods endure the changing seasons. Scorpio spans two months that characterize the season they belong to. Hint: there is a holiday full of treats at the end of the month Scorpio begins in. A real Scorpio could guess the scope of Scorpio season without flinching! Mottos help us navigate morality.
People use mottos to explain what is important to them in life. They are short phrases that help us keep sight of our goals and belief systems. They become vehicles for people to articulate their personality through. The repetition and socialization of mottos brings groups together for the same causes and motivations. In that way, mottos can become a form of self-representation. Because personal mottos are intertwined with personality and outlook on life, zodiac signs will often gravitate towards the same mottos.
Which one is yours? Planets rule over all of the signs, with the exception of Cancer and Leo. These two signs are ruled by the Moon and Sun, respectively. Zodiac signs are influenced by the position of their ruling planet, or planets. Some signs have two ruling planets. This is because at the time ruling planets were identified with the signs, astronomers had yet to discover a few of the planets in our solar system.
Scorpio, in turn, was identify as being ruled by which two planets? Every sign in the Zodiac is associated with to one of the four elements: earth, water, fire, or air. The twelve signs are divided equally among the four elements; each element is attributed to three of the Zodiac signs.
Earth signs are considered loyal and modest. They offer logical advice. Water signs are sensitive and dynamic. They are deep and very mysterious. Fire signs are associated with dangerous passion and taking action. Though destructive, they also have the potential for fruitful regeneration. Air signs defy gravity and move quicker than all the others.
They always bring adventure and change. A BFF is hard to find. Meeting a best friend is one thing, but a best friend forever? It happens once in a lifetime. The compatibility of your zodiac signs will always determine how successful a friendship can be. Some signs have incompatible outlooks on life and will always, at most, be casual friends.
Some signs have an intense connection that might complicate a friendship, disabling any mature growth over time. Do you know which astrological sign should be your BFF?
The astrological signs are identified as having a "quality. The three qualities are: cardinal, fixed, and mutable. Cardinal signs are trailblazers and initiators. They come first in the zodiac cycle and, in turn, are ambitious signs. Fixed signs are the most stable signs in the zodiac. They symbolizes steadiness, whether that means steady loyalty or steady passion.
They see their projects through. Mutable signs are inherently experimental. They undo what has come before them and follow the beat of their own drum. They are the most creative signs in the zodiac. When consider entering into a romantic relationship, it is important to consider the compatibility of your astrological sign with the sign of your partner. Some signs have great emotional compatibility but poor sexual compatibility.
Other signs are too similar to be compatible, and will never be able to agree on anything. Scorpios are stubborn and passionate. They are known to be one of the most mysterious and polarizing signs. Because of this, it is especially important for Scorpios to know which sign they are most romantically compatible with. Breakfast is often called the most important meal of the day. It provides us with energy to get through the hours to come.
Some people swear by a savory breakfast, packed with protein and salt. Others prefer a sweeter breakfast, decadent and syrupy. Some people skip it altogether, and grab a cup of coffee on their way out the door. The way you start your day can say a lot about your personality. Breakfast foods represent not only want we want, but also what we think we deserve. This folk rock musical duo joined forces in the s, when they were still in high school. The became icons in the s, when their music started becoming popular.
There first studio album, "Wednesday Morning, 3 AM," was released in Their fourth studio album, "Bookends," earned them two Grammy awards in Their final album, "Bridge Over Troubled Water," became the best selling album of all time in The tumultuous personal relationship, between the two Scorpios, hardened by the recording process, led to a malevolent break up in the early s.
When deciding where to go on vacation, you have to consider a lot of different factors: who you are going with, where you are going, how long you will be gone, and how much it will cost. By the ending of the planning process, the trip can feel more like a chore than a thrilling reward. Your ideal trip, regardless of how possible it is to go on, will always reveal your true nature and desires.
Pick your ideal vacation spot and see if the spirit of Scorpio is whisking you away in your dreams! Scorpio is a spy movie directed by Michael Winner. It is about a retiring CIA agent, who is training a new agent to replace him. The new agents alias is Scorpio.
Scorpio is soon asked by other CIA officials to kill the agent that is training him, because he is accused of being a Russian spy. The movie ends with a shocking cliff hanger that would leave any sign searching for the sequel. Any real Scorpio would want to know anything and everything about this film, and why it bears the name Scorpio! Your friends know you better than anyone else. They are always there, through thick and thin. They celebrate you at your best and comfort you at your worst.
Friends see the way your personality traits influence the way you make decisions. Sometimes, they can help you to think about yourself critically and retrospectively. Listening to what your friends think of you is one way to learn a lot about yourself. In one word, how do you think your friends would describe you?
Everyone lets loose in different ways.