Who is 84 years old

Vision Reporter Journalist New vision. He relived some of his memories to Arthur Baguma. My ears will be 84 years old on Sunday. I need someone to get close when they are talking to me. The message to my friends, fans and admirers is bad. My memory is leaving me. I was planning to write a book about old age but amnesia has taken its toll on me.

People have been encouraging me to write a book the moment I get well. Since September , I have written only two articles. Before that, I used to write one article every week.

What I do not understand is that I remember things my grandmother used to tell me but easily forget things of yesterday. And my situation is getting worse because my English was very fluent, but now I forget simple English. I used to speak very good English and I was brilliant with a sharp retentive memory. I used to recite church hymns and bible verses off the top of my head. What I really mourn is my English vocabulary. I never spent a day without trying a crossword puzzle, particularly the standard one in the New Vision.

And I would do this with ease. Today, I struggle to complete one. I cannot remember some words I used to know. I would listen to them and go back to my room and write what they said verbatim from my head. Now I am worried that one time I will not be able to give a speech. I was born in a kraal in a place called Busibo. We lived in big huts called entura. About 26 percent of women and 16 percent of men over 65 experience chronic constipation.

Doctors define constipation as having fewer than three bowel movements in a week, with hard, dry stools. Lack of fiber in your diet, lack of physical activity, and dehydration are among the possible reasons for constipation. Women older than 50 are most likely to have urinary incontinence because pelvic muscles lose strength and become less able to control the bladder as they age. Men with enlarged prostate glands, another symptom of aging, also are likely to have incontinence. Check in with your doctor if either constipation or incontinence is problem for you.

Arthritis is a common condition that affects more than one out of every five people in the United States, almost one-third of them people over Arthritis occurs when the fluid and cartilage in a joint wears out, causing bones to scrape against each other and create pain. The most common form of arthritis affecting senior health is osteoarthritis , which results from a lifetime of wear and tear on the joints — especially in the fingers, hips, knees, wrists, and spine.

As people grow older, they often report problems maintaining balance. About 40 percent of all Americans will have a bout of balance problems in their lifetimes, and studies suggest that 24 percent of people over 72 suffer from dizziness.

As the heart ages, it may need to work harder to pump blood throughout your body. Although some changes in the heart and circulation system are normal with aging, other changes can lead to heart disease and related problems, including heart attack and stroke.

In fact, heart disease is the leading cause of death in women and men over Classic signs of a heart attack include chest discomfort, shortness of breath , and nausea or lightheadedness. Stroke symptoms include face drooping, speech difficulty, and arm weakness. If you experience any of these, call The good news is that you can lower your heart disease risk with a healthy lifestyle, including not smoking, exercising, and eating a healthy diet.

Although people can develop diabetes at any age, the risk increases as you get older. In the United States, more than 25 percent of people over 60 have this serious health condition. With diabetes, your blood sugar — the amount of sugar, or glucose, in your blood — is too high, which can eventually lead to complications such as damage to the eyes, nerves, and kidneys, as well as heart disease or stroke.

Early signs of diabetes include feelings of extreme hunger or thirst, fatigue, and a frequent need to urinate, as well as blurry eyesight. If you experience any of these symptoms, call your doctor.

As we age, our immune system can become weaker. The flu is a contagious respiratory illness characterized by sudden symptoms such as fever, cough , sore throat , muscle or body aches, runny or stuffy nose, headaches, and fatigue. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that between 71 and 85 percent of flu-related deaths in recent years have occurred in people over Symptoms of pneumonia include cough, fever, and difficulty breathing.

If you suspect you have the flu, call your doctor right away. To help avoid getting the flu or pneumonia, get annual flu and pneumococcal vaccines, wash your hands frequently, and avoid people who are sick.

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