Why geek is cool

Though, they are cool also because they are not bothered about being cool. Try being a geek to be cool and you simply become a hipster, and whether you like twelve-foot-long beards, wearing wooly hats during the height of Summer, wearing skinny jeans and lumberjack shirts or not, that is not my topic here today. It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something. Being a geek is extremely liberating.

Here are a few reasons why this is the case and please bear in mind this entire article is written with a certain degree of tongue-in-cheek, though you know as well as I do, that never a truer word is spoken in jest, right? Imagine if someone could bring that level of laser-like focus to the work that needs to be done, and think about how quickly and efficiently any particular project could be completed?! Not having a life means you get to love things with a passion and nobody bothers you about it.

They source props and replicas of the film and TV objects they think are awesome, They will wear t-shirts bearing catchphrases while they stand in line for hours to meet the creators and stars of the shows they watch obsessively, and they will even occasionally dress up as characters they love and go to conventions.

Still, they will come into work every day with that same energy and enthusiasm. A geek is surprisingly resilient: For some, it may derive from having fun poked at them, or being teased about the things they love, but geeks tend to be incredibly resilient and able to bounce back from pretty much anything.

Once they see something a few times, they can commit it to memory with a surprising degree of accuracy, and secret it away in the storage locker facility that is the geek-brain. Computers, tablets, smartphones — nearly every facet of society is somehow entwined with technology. But who do you call when these devices let us down or when we have no idea how to use them? Nerds know a lot of things. Lots and lots of things. It's why they're usually the first on any invitation list for a pub trivia team outing.

The right to attempt being as geeky as Morgana Summers, and the right to fail. Topher Stumph came quite close, but he too failed. James Franco. See The right to execute shameless self-promotion via the Wikipedia Geek Pride Day page. Wait in line on every opening night. If you can go in costume or at least with a related T-shirt, all the better. Befriend any person or persons bearing any physical similarities to comic book or sci-fi figures.

Develop the essential systems that improve lives in Australia and overseas, or create infrastructure that wows people for years to come with a degree in civil engineering.

Home News and events May 5 reasons why being a geek is cool. University home. Current students. Staff intranet. Type to search. All content. Faculty of Engineering. Study engineering Study engineering Undergraduate courses. Postgraduate courses. Postgraduate research. Then all of a sudden, geeks become cool. They are now admired by their peers for their superior intellectuality despite their perceived lack of sociability.

The world starts embracing the geek culture. Video games are more popular than ever, and discussions about how to beat the bosses in these games are no longer taboo. All of us await eagerly on the next technological innovation to be out and be the first to play on it. If water is what gives Earth life, then Internet must be what keeps the information age alive.

The widespread of knowledge through Internet means that everyone has access to information never before available at such convenience. Those who do not use the internet get cuts off from the rest of the world. And guess who lay the path for how the internet develops? Possessing first-hand knowledge on how technology and computer works gave geeks a head-start when internet first surfaced. They were the pioneers when it comes to adapting to new innovations , given that their passion and capabilities spur them to quickly learn whatever that came out on the technological market.

If you take a look at how the internet develops from day one, you would be amazed at how it came to become what it is today. Kali Sakai is a Seattle-based freelance writer and blogger.

She ascended the media and high-tech industries and then transformed into a "domestic project manager" to raise her family. As a native Washingtonian and multi-ethnic, shark-loving tech geek, you can find more of her stories and observations on evidentlyblog.

Sections x. Safe Sleep Practices for Babies. When to Take Your Baby to the Dentist. By Kali Sakai. Published on: January 30, A disturbance in the Force But life is not yet perfect in all of geekdom. Hip to be square Thanks in part to technology, geek culture is on its way to the mainstream, even as that change makes many proud geeks shudder.

Sharing with the next generation Geekdom is righteous fun when shared with kids. So say we all. Read Next. Sexual Abuse: When a Child Tells. Share this article with your friends! About the Author. Other articles by this author. Leave a Comment.


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