Amy pond where is she from

Amy began disappearing. She used this condition to collect parts for The Doctor to build a vision disruptor and sneaked by the Daleks to set it to blind them as they arrived. The Doctor overloaded the magnetic field generators. The Daleks lost the Eye and never used it to alter history. A nano-virus spread by Cybermats had turned the crew into Cyberslaves to recover Cybermen trapped beneath the ice millennia before.

Amy used a reprogrammed distress beacon to disable the Cybermats. The Cyberslaves captured Amy and nearly converted her, but The Doctor rescued her and defeated them. Blood of the Cybermen they visited Smyslov 3 for the first time to find their future selves had just visited and caused much damage. The Entity created a lesion in time, sent her a thousand years into the future and began to feed on her timeline.

The Doctor sent Amy a tachyon feedback loop to return to him. He captured the Entity and sent it into the riptide to gorge on the four-dimensional Chronomites without harming them. Amy helped The Doctor restore power to the undersea farming facility. It had brought the Zaralok and Vashta Nerada through a dimensional vortex caused by a malfunctioning cloaking device. The Doctor and Amy deactivated the device, returning the Zaralok and Vashta Nerada to their proper timelines.

Shadows of the Vashta Nerada Amy and the Doctor next followed a distress signal to a family spaceship where a Dalek scientist was attempting to steal the technology. When the engine overloaded, the whole Jones family were scattered into space and time, and the Doctor and Amy travelled to many different locations, such as an ancient Ican temple facing many different monsters like Cybermen and Silurians on their quest to find and help the family.

After they were reunited, The Doctor directed her to write a note to his past self to direct him to rent a flat from Craig Owens. She could not attach any memories to it, but felt a strange connection.

The Lodger The Doctor and Amy landed on an asteroid where an old house stood. Klart had been released from his imprisonment in a stasis bed when the alarm failed.

The Doctor reconnected the alarm system, and the robot guards put Klart back in his bed. The Doctor, Amy, Landale, and Crisp all decided to leave the place as it was found, and not to tell anyone about it. The Big Bang The Doctor then took Amy to see the oldest writing on the oldest planet of the universe.

Its meaning had never been discerned. She was attacked by the disembodied head of a Cyberman. The centurions turned out to be Autons who believed themselves to be real, the first one of whom to volunteer to join River at Stonehenge was an Auton incarnation of the erased Rory Williams.

Amy did not recognise him at first but gradually came to remember, finally embracing him and welcoming him to place the ring on her finger, The Doctor having returned it to him in the cave. The Alliance activated the Autons, including Rory who was unable to resist the programming to shoot Amy dead.

He instructed Rory to free him from the Pandorica and place Amy inside to save her life. His younger self, free of the trap, helped Rory to seal Amy within it to keep her alive for the next two millennia. In , Amy unknowingly travelled to Rome in the Pandorica, essentially unconscious.

Rory continued to guard her. By , the Pandorica had become a prized possession of the Knights Templar, and it was donated to the Vatican in Sometime thereafter, it was sold by Marco Polo. All the while, the legend grew of the Lone Centurion who loyally guarded the box. The Pandorica was taken to London. The warehouse in which it was stored was set ablaze in during the German Blitz, it was found unscathed the next morning, a safe distance from the fire.

Eyewitness accounts told of a man in Roman armour dragging the Pandorica to safety, the last sighting of the fabled Lone Centurion. By , the Pandorica was on display at the National Museum in London. The two watched a brief video about the Pandorica and its mythical protector, bringing Amy to tears.

Amy was horrified when River explained that The Doctor would be trapped on the other side of the sealed Crack and be erased from time and memory. Amy awoke on 26 June , surprised and ecstatic to see her parents, but could not figure out why. She was married to the restored human Rory Williams that day.

At the reception, Amy was startled by a vaguely familiar blonde woman passing the windows. She then discovered an old diary on the table in front of Rory, despite its very weathered blue cover, the pages were all blank. Rory explained a blonde woman had left it for her. Amy began to cry but could not understand why. She looked around and noticed a man wearing a bow-tie, and another holding his trousers up with braces. Once a tear landed on the diary, she remembered what The Doctor told her while she slept that night fourteen years earlier.

Embarrassing her family, she began to call out for her Raggedy Doctor. There, they bade good-bye to Leadworth and departed on another adventure: an Egyptian goddess loose on the Orient Express in space. Amy and Rory told their friends and family that they were honeymooning in Thailand. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship Instead, they travelled through space and time. Despite the inherent inconvenience of their bunk-beds, Amy and Rory quickly conceived a child while transiting time-space, inadvertently causing a mutation in their zygote.

Death of the Doctor Amy insisted The Doctor carry her mobile phone with him to keep in touch. While the couple engaged in role-play in their WPC and centurion uniforms, their ship almost crashed into a planet. Amy took on the role as the Ghost of Christmas Present to coax Kazran Sardick into letting the ship land safely. He said there were some lovely views, but it was technically alive and slightly carnivorous.

A Christmas Carol. Amy encountered a future version of herself, with whom she flirted, arousing Rory. The Doctor used the resulting space loop to end the paradox. Amy and Rory returned to Earth sometime before the spring of The Impossible Astronaut Their families believed they had been in Thailand the entire time.

The Doctor later said that before responding to the invitation, Amy was kidnapped by Madame Kovarian and the Church, who had found out that she was pregnant. She was replaced by a ganger duplicate to whom her mind was linked, making it seem to both her and those around her that she had not been abducted. Amy, Rory and River went to a diner to find a younger Eleventh Doctor had been invited as well. Amy persuaded him to find the younger version of Delaware in Delaware joined them to find the frightened little girl in Florida who was able to telephone Nixon wherever he was.

They discovered the Silents, who were aliens which had been ruling Earth since the Stone Age. After Amy was hypnotised by a Silent, she told The Doctor that she was pregnant, before she had even told Rory.

Inside was a little girl whom Amy was grateful for having not injured. The Impossible Astronaut After three months of running, Amy and Rory faked their deaths by appearing to have been shot and killed by Agent Delaware who delivered them in body bags to The Doctor at Area Amy and Delaware investigated a nearly abandoned orphanage in Florida which was filled with Silents.

When The Doctor and Rory came to find her, she had vanished, leaving a device that was supposed to be permanently bonded to her on the floor.

When Amy regained consciousness, she was strapped to a table. Nevertheless, he surreptitiously scanned her and found her pregnancy status oscillated positive and negative.

While she slept aboard the Fancy, Amy awoke to notice the woman again looking through a hatch, this time looking directly at her. The Siren was really a virtual doctor from an invisible spaceship in the same space as the Fancy.

A boy called Paulus ran out of a bakery, slamming straight into Amy. The Reptilodon baker falsely accused the boy of stealing a doughnut. Paulus told Amy about a man in the back of the room, and Amy asked him to go around the back of the bakery and talk to him to find out what was going on, while Amy kept the baker busy. Amy and Paulus pushed back the invading Reptilodons by throwing cakes at them, and blocking them with a counter until the Judoon security officers arrived.

Amy became involved in a ganger revolution, helping them achieve equality despite being wary of the ganger Doctor. During this time, Amy saw the Eyepatch Lady twice. Amy let his impending death slip to The Doctor. After the ganger Doctor had stopped the revolution, The Doctor promised to find her and destroyed her ganger body.

Amy awoke in her real body on Demons Run. Amy entered labour with a horrified scream. In the end, she would be essentially both, albeit under a modified name. River Song appeared and showed her the prayer leaf again.

River Song was Melody. The Doctor left in search of the baby, leaving Amy, Rory, and others to be returned home by their adult daughter. Hitler opened fire on the Teselecta in a panic, and Mels was shot as his aim was lousy. Mels regenerated into River. Controlled by her brainwashing, Melody gave The Doctor a poisoned kiss. Amy convinced her The Doctor was worth saving and saw her daughter sacrifice her remaining regenerations to revive him.

Amy and Rory knocked on many doors but failed to find him. The house was inhabited by peg dolls. Amy was caught and added to their ranks to chase Rory and other people there. Her outfit was modified, with a hat added to suit the doll costume.

When George overcame his fear, Amy was restored to normal along with the other victims. The Handbots running the facility mistook her for a patient and kept almost killing her, as their medicine was deadly to humans.

Amy hid and waited for rescue. She was ultimately rescued by The Doctor, Rory, and a future version of herself trapped on Apalapucia for thirty-six years. The guards of the Liao Palace attacked them for taking food. The ship put its occupants in stasis until , at which time it sent a distress call.

Amy and Rory found the Rutan ship and helped find the power rods for the ship to take off. The Doctor reprogrammed one of the weapons to target Rutans, resulting in a stalemate. The Gunpowder Plot. In a prison for a Minotaur, where everyone had a room holding their nightmare, Amy found hers: her younger self, waiting for The Doctor. After this, he returned Amy and Rory to a new house sometime before they had left, leaving them behind to save them from further risks. Amy was upset but reluctantly accepted it.

She asked The Doctor to tell River to visit them if he saw her. Mels appears to be the same age — later, she and Amy are in the same class at school. It becomes such an obsession, she is sent to four psychiatrists — and keeps biting them.

Amelia now referred to as Amy in the script. She is in a relationship with Rory. Together, they help the Atraxi locate Prisoner Zero. The Doctor leaves, again promising to be back soon. She is about 21 years old. They arrive on 22 April , and see him apparently killed. Amy tells him she is pregnant. Amy and Rory learn that the baby will grow up to be River Song.

While the Doctor goes in search of the baby, the adult River takes Amy and Rory home to Leadworth, where they see out the summer.

Amy has reading glasses ready for collection. She has a new job, writing travel articles for magazines. Key Action from Episodes Pond Life. Into the vortex! Images from the brilliant new series! Amy Pond — Doctor Who , Series 5. Related Content. Amy's Choice It's been five years since Amy saw the Doctor, and when he reappears she faces a terrible choice. The Girl Who Waited Amy is trapped in a quarantine facility for victims of an alien plague. Series 7 Characters.

Amy Pond View Amy Pond. Clara Oswald View Clara Oswald. Rory Williams View Rory Williams. Madame Vastra View Madame Vastra. Brian Williams View Brian Williams. Grayle View Grayle. Isaac View Isaac. Jenny Flint View Jenny Flint. John Riddell View John Riddell.


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